• Tel: 9405122330/9766971737
  • admin@strossellosschool.org
  • Mathani, Mouda, Nagpur

St.Rossello's Society

St. Rossello's School (CBSE)

Aim & Spirit of The School

St. Rossello's School (CBSE) established on 10th June 2008 at Mathani, Mouda, Nagpur, with the goal “to foster the full realization of the person according to the plan of God”. In order to reach its goal, the school gives equal importance for value education, discipline, extracurricular activities along with the curricular studies.

The aim of education at St. Rossello's School (CBSE) is all round development and integral growth of the human personality physical, mental emotional, social, psychological and spiritual. In the present time the social consciousness is very much stressed. We train the children so that in their turn they play a vital role on bringing about the desired changes for the betterment of the people of society.

The world of today is changing at a pace never seen before in the history of human face, Education faces a world of excessive competitiveness reflected in individualism, consumerism and success at all cost. There is a heightened awareness of the pervasive influence of the mass media on the attitude and perception of people and cultures.

In order to create a conducive environment in our school for better education, all the members of the School community the management, staff, students and parents are collectively responsible. The various educative programs of the school are oriented towards developing their intellectual capacity to search for truth and knowledge.

Fostering freedom of thought so that they assume personal responsibility for their own lives. Forming a consciousness that will make them. Capable of fostering good relationship with others, open to other cultures and religions possess an attitude to solidarity and dialogue to have ability to involve themselves in the society with a sense of participation and co-responsibility to become agents to social changes with preferential option for the poor, the weak and the down trodden.

A spiritual vision of the world in the face of materialism, a concern for others in the face of egoism, simple in the face of consumerism, aware of the poor in the face of social injustice to care for the environment in the face of selfish exploitation of natural resources etc. are encouraged.

St.Rossello's Educational Society

St.Rossello's Educational Society is managed by the congregation of Daughters of our lady of Mercy, being St.Mary Joseph Rossello as its foundress, with the motto of “moulding the future”

Founders Inspiration

St. Mary Joseph Rossello was born in Albisola, Italy on 27th May 1811. She established the congregation on 10th August 1837 and its branch began in India on 3rd December 1974. St.Rossello was born to a loving, humble and God fearing parents, who guided her through childhood with utmost care.She grew as a self asserting young woman to make her own way towards a cherished goal, to dedicate her life to do good to all.

Meet The Principal

Sr. Suby P Jose (Sr. Chelsa)

Welcome to St. Rossello's School (CBSE)! As your principal, I am committed to fostering a nurturing learning environment where every student can thrive. Together with our dedicated staff, we aim to inspire excellence, cultivate a love for learning, and empower each student to reach their full potential. I encourage you to actively engage in our school community, embrace challenges, and seize opportunities for growth. Let's embark on this educational journey together, shaping tomorrow's leaders with compassion, knowledge, and integrity.

School Mission

We are committed to ensure a safe and compassionate learning community with the qualities of MIND to think critically HEAD to be responsible and the HEART to feel humanity and divinely for the excellence in education.

School Vision

Rossellian education is to foster the full realization of the person according to the plan of God. Becoming innovative and critical thinkers. Acquiring the values of PEACE, MERCY, FREEDOM and FRATERNITY. Building a climate of LOVE and MERCY

Core Values


We are Confident & Develop Skills for Life

EveryDay Care for your Children ...

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Successful Students


Happy Parents


Awards Won


Certified Teachers

Learning Skills

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Enquiring Mind

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